Support the loving work of our teams.

We partner with teams, such as Asha Deep Vidyashram and The Restoration Act. Our purpose is to partner teams doing the work with those that can help financially.

We look forward to hearing from you as you consider the possibility of teaming with We Give All.

    • North India Friends

      North India Friends (NIF) is a small group dedicated to assisting independent grassroots families with financial assistance, focusing on children's education and other practical concerns. These needs are verified by a team in North India who are in personal contact with those in need of assistance. Many of the members of NIF have known each other for over 30 years. These are some of the projects NIF is involved with:
      • Education assistance
      • Medical assistance
      • Relief work
      • Programs for underprivileged children
      • Medical awareness camps
      • Widow's care
      • Family supplement assistance
      • Youth development programs
      • Women's empowerment programs
      • Stitching training centers
      • Prisoners and their families' needs
      $0.00 donated
    • The Restoration Act

        Hi, I'm Esther. I volunteer with a small humanitarian and educational organization in the Middle East called The Restoration Act. My goal here is to offer a program teaching men and women of all ages to identify their own value, uniqueness and purpose.
      $0.00 donated
    • Asha Deep Vidyashram

      Asha Deep Vidyashram: Giving children a chance through education and opportunity. Asha Deep Vidyashram, a school running under the auspices of the NGO Hope and Joy Society for the Underprivileged, was started in February 2004 with the purpose of providing education to underprivileged children in the city of Varanasi, India. The school name translates loosely as Lamp of Hope School. Their aim is to give children a chance to break free from the cycle of poverty by providing quality education in a loving environment, enabling them to live with dignity and respect.
      $0.00 donated